Overhead Stirrer Propellers and Blades

Overhead Stirrer Propellers and Blades
Blade and Half-Moon Impeller
These impellers are recommended for applications which require average speed | For mixing tasks with little or average viscosity Models with collapsible blade available for narrow neck vessels
Propeller-Type Impeller
These impellers are recommended for applications which require average or high speed | For mixing tasks with medium or high viscosity | Excellent mixing properties for homogenization and suspensions. These models create an axial flow
Radial Flow Impeller
These impellers are recommended for applications which require average speed | For mixing tasks with little or average viscosity up to < 500 mPa s | Ideal for gassing of liquids
These impellers create a radial flow
Anchor-Type Impeller
These impellers are recommended for applications which require a low speed | For mixing tasks with medium or high viscosity