SKU mBar Pressure Fit Models Weight (In Grams) Price (excluding VAT) Availability Qty To Purchase
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-FLST5 1000 ST5 1200 £434.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-FLST12 1000 ST12 1200 £434.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-FLST26 1000 ST18 and ST26 1200 £434.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-FLST5 1650 ST5 1200 £481.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-FLST12 1650 ST12 1200 £481.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-FLST26 1650 ST18 and ST26 1200 £481.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-LT 1000 LT ecocool 1200 £366.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-LT 1650 LT ecocool 1200 £387.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-PLR4 1000 R4R 1200 £342.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP1-PLR5 1000 R52 1200 £342.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-PLR4 1650 R4R 1200 £361.00 1 + -
Grant Instruments Vertical Turbine Pumps VTP2-PLR5 1650 R52 1200 £361.00 1 + -

T100 TX120 TX150 TXF200 LT ecocool 100 LT ecocool 150 LT ecocool 200
VTP1 max. pressure: 1000 mbar
max. flow: 9 L/min
VTP2 max. pressure: 1650 mbar
max. flow: 12 L/min
max. pressure: 1000 mbar
max flow: 9L/min
- - - - YES YES YES
max. pressure: 1650 mbar
max flow: 12 L/min
- - - - YES YES YES

Vertical turbine pumps (optional)*Required only where the application demands higher pressure than that delivered by the internal pump to maintain flow. Low noise, compact design. Supplied with pipe connections and special lid for fitting to tanks, pipe bore 12.7 mm.

    • Weight (In Grams)
      1200 g
    • SKU
    • Commodity Codes
  • Manufacturer
    Grant Instruments (Cambridge) Ltd
  • Country of Origin
    United Kingdom
  • mBar Pressure
    1000, 1650
  • Fit Models
    ST5, ST12, ST18 and ST26, LT ecocool, R1, R2 and R3 Units, R4R, R52