Cryogenics Bulk Storage Systems

Cryogenics Bulk Storage Systems

Cryogenics Bulk Storage Systems

The Biosystem 12, 24 and 50 models are designed to provide frequent-access users with rapid specimen storage and retrieval.


Biosystem access 12. 2ML Vial Capacity 12,300 in Liquid phase.
Biosystem access 12. 2ML Vial Capacity 10,250 in Vapour phase.
Biosystem access 24. 2ML Vial Capacity 24,050 in Liquid phase.
Biosystem access 24. 2ML Vial Capacity 20,350  in Vapour phase.
Biosystem access 50. 2ML Vial Capacity 50,700 in Liquid phase.
Biosystem access 50. 2ML Vial Capacity 50,700 in Vapour phase.