Atago 4470 PAL-70S Digital Hand-Held "Pocket" Potassium Phosphate Refractometer, 0.0 to 15.0% Range

Not rated yet
ScalePotassium phosphate
Measurement RangePotassium phosphate :0.0 to 15.0%
Temperature : 10.0 to 40.0゚C
ResolutionPotassium phosphate : 0.1%
Temperature : 0.1゚C
Measurement AccuracyPotassium phosphate : ±0.3%
Temperature : ±1゚C
Temperature compensation range10 to 40゚C
(Automatic Temperature Compensation)
Ambient Temperature10 to 40゚C
Sample Volume0.3 mL
Measurement Time3 seconds
Power Supply2 x AAA Batteries
Battery LifeApprox. 11,000 times measurement (when alkaline batteries are used)
International Protection ClassIP65 Dust-tight and Protected against water jets.
Dimensions & Weight55(W) x 31(D) x 109(H)mm, 100g (Main Unit only)

· PAL-CASE : RE-39409

· PAL Silicone Cover : RE-39413

· STRAP : RE-39410


Patent for Invention Registration No. ZL200310103015.2 (China)
Patent for Design Registration No. ZL03303431.1 (China), 089244 (Taiwan)
Patent Granted in countries around the world.

Price Upon Application Or Discontinued

Compact and easy to carryCalibration with waterBattery operatedDigital displayAutomatic Temperature CompensationHigh temperature samplesExternal Light Interference


Digital Hand-held "Pocket" Refractometer PAL

Everyone is talking about the new "Pocket" as featured on recent TV programs and Magazines.

The PAL is a completely new and redesigned digital hand-held instrument that will change the traditional conceptions of refractometers. The PAL's surprisingly compact size allows you to easily carry it around and use it indoors as well as outdoors.
The size, design, function and performance will surprise you. The PAL will expand your range of measuring possibilities.


Our products has received several awards !

  • 2003 “Good Design Award”
  • 2004 “Venture Technology Awards (Excellence)”
  • 2005 “Technology for Food Industry Award”
Light & Compact, 100g.
Ergonomically designed for one-handed operation.
Sample size 2-3drops.
The speedy performance of the PAL is amazing. Simply put a drop of a sample on the prism surface and press the START key. The Brix value ( sugar content / concentration ) will be displayed in just 3 seconds.High temperature sample can be measured.
Protection class of the PAL is IP65. You can rinse off the sample by running water on the sample stage. The design allows the user to easily wipe off the sample.Revolutionary new feature ELI*
*External Light Interference (ELI) - Patent Pending.
The sample stage is designed to keep sample solutions from spilling out.Calibration with water only.
The Automatic Temperature Compensation function of the PAL enables you to take measurement readings regardless of the ambient temperature.Convenient Storage case.



Icons, for functions, specifications and scales have been added to this catalog

Can be connected to a recorderCan be connected to a recorderMeasurement at a set temperatureMeasurement at a set temperature
Can be connected to a printerCan be connected to a printerAutomatic Temperature CompensationAutomatic Temperature Compensation
Alarm output for high- and low-limit valuesAlarm output for high- and low-limit valuesCan be connected to a circulating Can be connected to a circulating
RS-232C InterfaceRS-232C InterfaceContinuous measurementContinuous measurement
In-line measurementIn-line measurementHigh temperature samplesHigh temperature samples
User scales can be inputtedUser scales can be inputtedExternal Light InterferenceExternal Light Interference


Calibration with waterCalibration with waterClinical refractometersClinical refractometers
Calibration with exclusive standard liquidCalibration with exclusive standard liquidRefractive index scaleRefractive index scale
Compact and easy to carryCompact and easy to carrySalt concentration scaleSalt concentration scale
Digital displayDigital displaySeawater scaleSeawater scale
AC outlet (AC100 to 240V)AC outlet (AC100 to 240V)Wine scaleWine scale
Battery operatedBattery operated  
    • SKU
    • Commodity Codes
  • Measurement Range
    Potassium phosphate :0.0 to 15.0%
  • Resolution
    Potassium phosphate : 0.1%
  • Measurement Accuracy
    Potassium phosphate : ±0.3%
  • Measurement Temperature (°C)
    10 to 40゚C
  • Manufacturer
    Atago Co Ltd
  • Country of Origin
