WTW 301721 TetraCon® 925/C Graphite four electrode measuring cell with head made of PEEK, with 1.5 m fixed cable with waterproof digital connector for MultiLine®, MonoLine or inoLab® IDS

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Technical Data

 TetraCon® 925LR 925/01
Conductivity10 µS/cm … 2000 mS/cm
±0.5 % of value
0.01 ... 200 µS/cm
±0.5 % of value
Spec. resistance0.5 Ohm cm ...100 kOhm cm
±0.5 % of value
5 kΩ ... 100 MΩ
±0.5 % of value
Salinity0.0 ... 70,0
± 0.5 % of value
TDS0 ... 1999 mg/l, 0.0 ... 199.9 g/l
±0.5 % of value
Temperature0 ... 100.0 °C
±0.2 °C
0 ... 100.0 °C
±0.2 °C


IDS conductivity measuring cells – measurements from pure water all the way to concentrated solutions with proven two and four electrode technology

  • Proven 2 and 4 electrode technology
  • Easiest handling, robust design
  • Wide area of application - from pure water to highly concentrated solutions

Full Description

TetraCon 925/C4-electrode-IDS conductivity cell with graphite electrodes, epoxy shaft,  PEEK head for use in acid contaminated environments, cell constant 0.475 cm–1, with 1.5 m fixed cable with waterproof digital connector for MultiLine®, MonoLine or inoLab® IDS.

Price Upon Application Or Discontinued

WTW has been manufacturing conductivity measuring cells of the highest quality for decades. These are the basis for the new IDS conductivity measuring cells. The advantages of the IDS technology include the automatic transfer of the cell constant and therefore the exclusion of possible erroneous input. There are two models available to cover the entire conductivity range: The four electrode measuring cell TetraCon® 925 for medium and high conductivity , for pure water and for low conductivity, the two electrode measuring cell LR 925/01 including flow container.

    • SKU
    • Commodity Codes
  • Manufacturer
    WTW - Xylem Inc
  • Country of Origin

ModelDescriptionOrder no.
AS/IDS-1.5Connecting cable for MPP IDS as well as plug head sensors, length 1.5 m903850
AS/IDS-3Like above, 3 m903851
AS/IDS-6Like above, 6 m903852
AS/IDS-10Like above, 10 m903853
AS/IDS-15Like above, 15 m903854
AS/IDS-20Like above, 20 m903855
AS/IDS-25Like above, 25 m903856
AS/IDS-40Like above, 40 m903857
AS/IDS-60Like above, 60 m903858
AS/IDS-100Like above, 100 m903859
A 925-PReplacement head with existing protective basket903838
A 925-P/KArming for IDS –P sensors with protective basket made of POM903839
A 925-P/SArming for IDS –P sensors with protective basket made of stainless steel903840
D 3SenFlow vessel for field measurements903842