Interscience Scan® 4000 Ultra-HD Colony Counter, 1000 Colonies per Second, 5 Megapixels Resolution

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Scan® 4000, automatic HD color colony counter, is adapted to all sizes of Petri dishes and all media culture. Its indirect lighting ensures great user comfort, high accuracy and excellent reproducibility.

Technical specifications of the model.

Scan 4000
Reference438 000
CameraUltra HD CCD color camera
LensUltra HD japanese lens
Digital zoomx 69
Resolution5 megapixels
Counting time1000 colonies per second
Minimum size colony0.05 mm
LightingWhite LED dome
Lighting systemAutomatic: 7 combinations, top and/or bottom light white
or black background
CountingAutomatic, with manual control
Counting on Petri dishesSquare and round Petri dishes (55-150 mm)
Counting on pour, surface, Spiral and circle plated dishesoui
Counting on chromogenic dishesoui
Inhibition zone readeroui
Inhibition zone measurement accuracy0.1 mm
Reads onMuller Hinton agar, blood agar, chocolate agar
Counting on PetriFilm™oui
Counting on Compact Dry™oui
Counting on filtration membranesoui
Automatic detection of paper disks, agar wells, peni-cylindersoui
Results /Data exportRecountable Scan session, PDF report, JPEG, PNG, BMP, Excel™
Color detection7 colors on the same dish
LIMS/SIL connectionoui
USB connectionoui
LanguagesEnglish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German
Dimensions (w x d x h)47 x 47 x 64 cm
Weight25 kg
Voltage100-240 V ∼ 50/60 Hz
Power140 W
ProcessorIntel (Quad core recommended) Intel i5 or i7 or AMD FX 6000 and superior
Operating systemsWindows™ 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows™ 8 or 10
Frequency2.4 Ghz or superior
RAM4 Go or better
Graphic cardAMD or NVIDIA (chipsets are not recommended)
EquipmentUSB 2.0 port / CD-ROM reader
Screen1280 X 1024 pixels and more
ComputerDesktop computer recommended
HardwareStainless steel
Software update (after registration)3 years
Guarantee (after registration)3 years
In compliance withGLP (Good laboratory Practice), CFR 21 part 11, ISO 15189, ISO 7218, ISO 4833-2, NF V08-034, NF V08-100, AOAC 977.27, FDA-BAM standards

Delivered with : Scan® software CD-ROM / connection cables / 3 control dishes / user’s manual / quick user guide

Price Upon Application Or Discontinued

- Stainless steel body
- Ultra HD color camera
- Digital zoom x 64
- Resolution: 5 mega-pixels
- Counting: 1000 colonies per second
- Colony minimum size: 0.05 mm

- Round Petri dishes from ø 55 to ø 150 mm
- Square Petri dishes of 120 mm
- Chromogenic Petri dishes
- PetriFilmTM 
- Compact DryTM 
- Filtration membranes

- 360° LED lighting, without reflection or shadow of the dish with White Dome
- CCD 5 megapixels camera, detects bare eye invisible details
- Beam Splitter to ensure lighting 100% without reflections or shadows
- Automatic detection of the dish + reading on 100% of the dish

- All functions in 1 window
- Automatic optimization of the contrast, luminosity and sensitivity
- Automatic corrections of the agar defects
- Automatic separation of confluent colonies
- Automatic elimination of counting grids
- Cross on each counted colony
- Polygonal exclusion areas
- Pre-set medias: PCA/TSA, MRS, VRBL, TBX, TSC, Baird Parker, GVPC, L.Mono, YM

- Rapid detection: up to 16 antibiotic sensitivities per dish in 1 click
- 3 diffusion modes: paper disks (all brands), wells, peni-cylinders
- Inhibition zones and agar wells can be manually added or deleted
- Built-in antibiotic database: CA-SFM (French Society of Microbiology), EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing)
- Reads on: Muller Hinton agar, blood agar, chocolate agar
- Accuracy of inhibition zone measurement: 0.1 mm

- Harmonization of the results within a team
- Automatic archiving and printing of data: pictures, comments & results
- External traceability (Session saved, Excel™, PDF, JPEG, BMP, Scan® printed report)
- Internal traceability (Barcode, file archive, LIMS connection)
- Securization of the sessions (Compliance with CFR 21 part 11: system securization, operational controls and documentation management)

- GLP (Good laboratory Practice)
- In compliance with :
- CFR 21 part 11
- ISO 7218
- ISO 4833-2
- NF V08-034
- AOAC 977.27
- FDA-BAM standards

Scan automatic colony counters use an exclusive software developped by INTERSCIENCE: evolutive, user-friendly and powerful.

There are numerous advantages in using Scan counting software:
- Only one clic to count
- Only one setting cursor
- Traceability: automatic saving of data, Excel™ export

To try the demo version with your samples, please identify below or register here
  Download Scan® demo software

Detected colonies are highlighted and marked with a cross.

Only one cursor to optimize counting. customizable settings adaptable to any kind of agar.

All previously recorded data can be checked anytime.

Scan software provides easy ways to export quickly your results:
- Work sessions saving
- PDF export
- JPEG, BMP export
- Results exported to Excel™
- Scan printed report

Check in a glance images before and after counting, complete sample information, comments and results.

    • SKU
      438 000
  • Manufacturer


- Sterile room monitoring 
The Scan® 4000 enables the reading and recording of air samples for bacteriological control of sterile rooms.
With Scan ® 4000, you have complete traceability on your air quality. Your clients will be really satisfied about it!
The integrated management in the CFR part 11 V8 software enables more security and flexibility.

- Antibiotics efficiency measurement
During antibiotics manufacture, it is necessary to compare the efficiency of the antibiotic with a reference.
Scan® 4000 enables the reading of inhibition zones, with peni-cylinders, without peni-cylinders or agar well.

- Antibiotics sensitivity
For bacteriological labs, hospitals and clinic, the use of Scan® 4000 reads up to 12 paper disks on round dishes and 16 paper disks on square dishes.
You can memorize your masks and analyze your dish in a few seconds.
The result of the sensitivity in contact with the antibiotic is quick and the visualization of the results is simple:
- Red: resistant
- Yellow: intermediary
- Green: sensitive

The color image of the Petri dish is HD.

- Quality control
For food instries, during microbiological analyses, the counting step is capital.
Scan® 4000 count colonies with results’ export and guarantee of traceability on all media used in labs. Get instant results and traceability on Petri dishes (55-150 mm), Spiral® plated dishes, PetriFilm™, RIDA™ Count, Compact Dry™ and filtration membranes.

What are the supports read by Scan® 4000 ? 
Scan® 4000 reads :
Round Petri dishes of ø 90, ø 100, ø 150 mm
Square Petri dishes of 120 mm
Chromogenic media culture
Compact DryTM 
Filtration membranes

What is the minimum detected size of the colony? 
- The colony’s minimum size is 0.05 mm.

Does Scan® 4000 read colonies on dark agar ? 
- Scan® 4000 is equipped with a lighting system from the bottom and the top and enables 6 combinations of lighting. It adapts itself to any kind of agar, light or dark.

What is the traceability offered by Scan® 4000 ? 
- The Scan® offer multiple ways of data export to save time and increase the security and the quality of the analyses. After counting the dishes are thrown away and checking is thus not possible in case of a disagreement. With a Scan® , if you have any doubts, you stil have the pdf and the photo of the dish before/after counting to check again the result and hand it to your client or supervisor.

Is the results’ export to Excel™ possible? 
- The Scan® software records automatically all results and exports them towards ExcelTM as well as photos.
You can consult the results and recount at any time. The transfer of the results to ExcelTM is an aspect which is greatly appreciated by the labs. A printed version is available via the Scan® software.

Does Scan® 4000 make automatic reading of the dish? 
- The lighting and contrast settings are automatic and the Scan® 4000 adapts itself automatically to any kind of agar.
You can also customize your settings according to the type of agar you are using.

Is Scan® 4000 adapted to pharmaceutical industries ? 
- The Scan 4000 allows the reading and recording of air samples dishes for bacteriological control of sterile rooms.
With Scan 4000 you have complete traceability on your air quality. Your auditors will be happy! The integrated management in the CFR part 11 V8 software enables more security and flexibility.

Is Scan® 4000 adapted to medical and veterinary industries ? 
- For bacteriological labs, hospitals and clinics, the use of Scan 4000 allows you to read up to 12 paper disks on round dishes and 16 paper disks on square dishes.
You can memorize your masks and analyze your dish in a few seconds. The result of the sensitivity in contact is quick and the visualization of the result is simple:
- Red : resistant
- Yellow : intermediary
- Green : sensitive
The color image of the Petri dish is automatically saved in HD quality.

How much time-saving is the Scan® 4000 ? 
- From 50 Petri dishes per day you can hope to reduce your reading time by 80%. The Scan® can count up to 1000 colonies in 1 second !

Does the software exist in several languages ? 
- The Scan® software is today available in english, french, spanish, chinese, japanese and russian. Its user-friendliness makes it a worldwide success.

Does Scan® 4000 require a lot of maintenance ? 
- No, it is a unit which needs almost no maintenance. The lighting by long-lasting LED gives great flexibility and duration.

Can I read chromogenic dishes ? 
- Yes, the Scan® 4000 offers colony counting per colour, up to 7 colours on the same dish for the quick and efficient reading of chromogenic dishes.

Can the software adapts itself to my LIMS ? 
- Yes, entirely developped by INTERSCIENCE’s R&D department, we can adapt the software to your application.

Does Scan® 4000 include data from CFR21 part 11?
- The Scan software is in compliance with the FDA guidelines, as electronic signatures, audit trail and securing of the results. The management of the operators is now integrated in the software for greater security and user-frienliness. The supervisor can manage the accounts and passwords automatically without having to refer to a system administrator.

Is Scan® 4000 efficient for the analysis of inhibition zones measurement ? 
- Yes, Scan® 4000 reads paper disks, agar wells, peni-cylinders. It measures simultaneously the diameter of up to 16 antibiotics and gives immediate diagnosis (Resistant / Intermediary / Sensitive)