Interscience 436 300 Scan® 300 Automatic Colony Counter, Minimum size of detected colony: 0.1 mm

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Scan 300
Reference436 300
Type of colony counterAutomatic
CameraCMOS color camera
LensM12 Lens
Zoomx 28
Resolution1 megapixel
Counting timeUp to 1000 colonies per second
Minimal size of colony0.1 mm
Lighting technologyLong life white LEDs / Dark Field
Lighting systemAutomatic with 6 combinations, top and/or bottom light, white or black background
CountingAutomatic with manual control
Counting on Petri dishesØ 55 mm - Ø 90 mm
Colony counterN
Counting on pour, surface, Spiral and circle plated Petri dishesN
Automatic separation of clustered coloniesN
Creation of polygonal exclusion zonesN
Manual control to add or substract coloniesN
LIMS connectionN
USB connectionN
Available with dataLink traceability systemN
Stainless steelN
Data exportPDF, jpg, png, bmp, ExcelTM recountable session
Data securityModified data traceability in conformity with 21 CFR part 11 / Connexion with LIMS/SIL systems
Results/traceabilityImage / sample number / comments / date / time
LanguagesFrench, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German
Dimensions (w x d x h)28.5 x 26.5 x 29 cm
Weight8.4 kg
Box (w x d x h)50 x 40 x 40 cm
Gross weight11 kg
Voltage - Frequencies100-240 V~ 50-60 Hz
Power20 W
International protection marking00
Operating sytemWindowsTM : SevenTM (Service Pack 1) or 8 or 10
Processor(quad core recommended) Intel i3 or i5 or i7 or AMD FX 6000 or superior
Frequency2.4 Ghz or superior
RAM4 Go minimum (8 Go recommended) (1 Go RAM available)
Equipments2.0 USB port
Screen1280 X 1024 pixels or superior
Graphic cardAMD or NVIDIA (chipsets are not recommended)
Software update3 years
Warranty3 years
In compliance with21 CFR Part 11, ISO 7218 and AOAC 977.27
Delivered with: 1 Scan software, 1 15V power supply, 1 connexion cable, 2 control dishes, 1 user's manual
  • £4291.00
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Scan 300 is an automatic colony counter that includes the essential features for Petri dish counting. It is specifically adapted to the usual media in food microbiology: PCA, MRS...

  • Minimum size of detected colony: 0.1 mm
  • Camera: 1 megapixel - zoom x 28
  • Couting on round Petri dishes of Ø 55 - 90 mm
  • Counting on pour, surface, Spiral, circle mode plated dishes
  • Language: English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German

Counting range

Colony counting - en masse and surfacePour and surface

Counting of pour and surface plating mode on Ø 55 - 90 mm Petri dishes.

Accuracy and repeatability

The counting of Petri dishes is long, tedious and can vary from person to person.

TheScan 300can count up to 1000 colonies in 1 second in a constant and repeatable manner. Counting can be up to 98% accuracy. The minimum colony size is 0.1 mm.

Total flora before and after countingBefore/after counting on total count

Graphique comptage manuelManual counting

Graphique comptage automatiqueAutomatic counting

21 CFR Part 11 included

TheScansoftware responds to FDA recommendations, including electronic signatures, audit trails, and security of results. User account management is integrated into the software. The supervisor can manage accounts and passwords directly, without always calling on the network administrator.

Picto 21 CFR Part 11

Scan 300 - Automatic colony counter


Traçabilité export donnés - Connexion SIL/LIMS ENSIL/LIMS connexion

Traçabilté import données - Code barres ENBar-codes

 Import data traceability - DataLinkdataLink

Scan 300 connects to the LIMS in bi-directionalityand can be connected to the diluter and automatic plater via dataLink, the traceability system.

Print of the results

All data, images, photos and results are exportable in printable reports, sca, pdf, jpg, xls, csv.

 Scan rapport imprimé EN
Printed report example

Dark Field lighting technology

Thanks to the Dark Field technology and its low lighting, colonies are easy to count. The operator does not tire his eyes.

 Lighting with Dark Field technology

Traceability system with DataLink

Ideal with dataLink full traceability system

dataLinkis a complete traceability system for the microbiological analysis of a sample, from its plating with easySpiral Proor easySpiral Diluteplaters to colony counting. After incubation, the reading of the datamatrix code makes it possible to collect the information of the sample and its plating and to automatically launch on the colony counter the associated parameters.


Scanautomatic colony counters have3-YEARwarranty (parts and labour) just by sending the warranty card back.

Logo Garantie 3 ans EN


TheScan 300colony counter is used in the food, environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, veterinary and public institutes research.

Application - Food

Application - Environmental

Application - Pharmaceutical

Application - Cosmetics

Applications - Veterinary

Application - Public research

    • SKU
      436 300
  • Manufacturer

