Hamilton Polymer-Based HPLC Columns

Hamilton Polymer-Based HPLC Columns

In the early stages of reversed-phase chromatography, columns were typically packed
with a silica bead functionalized with a C18 chain. These columns were revolutionary for
their time but are being replaced by modern polymeric supports. Polymer supports provide
an alternate selectivity to silica columns with the additional benefit of increased sample
recovery. Hamilton offers four reversed-phase resins based on poly(styrene-divinylbenzene)
(PS-DVB) with three different functionalizations Polymer-Based Resins including octadecylation, uncoated PS-DVB, and pentafluorination, each beneficial for different analyses. Each resin has a characteristic pore size or range of pore sizes and comes in a variety of formats (i.e. columns, bulk resins, and guard cartridges) and column dimensions. Hamilton polymeric columns are stable over the full pH range and compatible with virtually any aqueous or organic mobile phase. Thermal stability is maintained well over 85 °C.



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