Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves

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SKU Type Suitable for Weight (In Grams) Price (excluding VAT) Availability Qty To Purchase
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 1250499 Service Set 1 Aluminium Models 70 £73.00 1 + -
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 1310186 Service Set 2 Stainless Steel Models 300 £98.00 1 + -
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 8500495 Service Set 3 VacPro 12-22 500 £245.00 1 + -
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 8500407 Service Set 5 icanCLAVE STE-45-T 500 £289.00 1 + -
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 1300705 Bacteria Filter VacPro 12-22 300 £78.00 1 + -
Certoclav Wear Parts for Autoclaves 1300858 Bacteria Filter icanCLAVE STE-45-T 300 £78.00 1 + -
Service Set 1 The Service Set 1 for our vertical aluminum laboratory autoclaves includes
one gasket each for the lid, the steam release spigot, the manometer and
the pressure control valve and a steam release valve
The gaskets should be
replaced every 2 years
Service Set 2 The Service Set 2 for our vertical stainless steel laboratory autoclaves includes one gasket each for the lid, the steam release spigot, the manometer and
the pressure control valve and two steam release valves
The gaskets should
be replaced every 2 years
Service Set 3 The Service Set 3 contains a door gasket, a safety valve and a bacteria filter.
The gasket and the safety valve should be replaced annually. The bacteria
filter should be changed every 300 cycles and is also available separately
Service Set 3 should only be installed by trained technicians.
Service Set 5 The Service Set 5 contains a door gasket and a bacteria filter. The door gasket
should be replaced annually. The bacteria filter should be changed every
300 cycles and is also available separately
The Service Set 5 should only be
installed by trained technicians.
    • Weight (In Grams)
      70 g
    • SKU
    • UPC/ISBN
    • Commodity Codes
  • Manufacturer
    CertoClav Sterilizer GmbH
  • Type
    Service Set 1, Service Set 2, Service Set 3, Service Set 5, Bacteria Filter
  • Suitable for
    Aluminium Models, Stainless Steel Models, VacPro 12-22, icanCLAVE STE-45-T

