CERI 722071 L-column2 C8 Octyl HPLC Column, 4.6mm x 150mm, 5μm Particle Size
Average particle size: | 3 µm, 5 µm |
Average pore size: | 120 Å |
Surface area: | 340 m2/g |
Carbon contents: | 10 % |
Bonded phase: | C8 (Octyl) |
End-capping: | Yes |
USP category: | L7 |
Range of pH: | pH 2 – pH 7.5 |
L- column 2 C8 is a next-generation high performance octyl group column that suppresses the influence of residual silanol groups to the utmost by advanced end-capping method and exceeds L-column C8 . It is a column that is easy to use with high durability, as well as detecting peaks sharply. It is ideal for shortening the analysis time of hydrophobic substances and concomitant solvent saving
L-column2 C8 is end-capped using the same advanced method used for L-column2 ODS. This column is easy to use because it provides sharp peaks in addition to it having high durability. L-column2 C8 is most suitable for reducing the analysis time of hydrophobic compounds and conserving solvent.
Low adsorption
The residual silanol groups of L-column2 C8 are reduced to the utmost limit by the advanced end-capping method. L-column2 C8 can be used for various compounds, such as acid, basic and chelating compounds. Figure 15 is a chromatogram of the simultaneous analysis of antihistamines. Although promethazine and clemastine are easily adsorbed by packing materials, L-column2 C8 provides sharp peaks.
Reduction of analysis time
In general, the retention time for C8 columns is short because they have lower retention ability than C18 columns.
For more hydrophobic analytes, the analysis time can be shortened, thus reducing the amount of solvent used. Figure 16 shows results from analysis of lipophilic vitamins using L-column2 ODS and L-column2 C8 under the same HPLC conditions. Although the analysis of vitamin K using L-column2 ODS columns takes longer because the lipophilicity of vitamin K is high, the analysis time using L-column2 C8 is one quarter of that using L-column2 ODS.
Difference of separation behavior with C18 column
Compared to C18 columns, almost all analytes are eluted faster on C8 columns, but the difference between the retention time for C8 columns and that for C18 columns depends on the analytes. Because the elution behavior of C8 columns is sometimes different from that of C18 columns, C8 columns can sometimes improve separation even if separation using C18 columns is not possible.
High durability
L-column2 C8 is chemically stable and has long-term reliability because it is manufactured using the same advanced end-capping method used for L-column2 ODS.
Characteristics of C8 column
■ Shortening analysis time
Generally, under the same analytical conditions, the C 8 column has weaker retention compared to the ODS column, so the elution time is faster. Hydrophobic substances can shorten the analysis time and reduce the amount of solvent used. Fig.1 shows an example comparing fat-soluble vitamins under the same condition. Vitamin K is highly hydrophobic, it takes time to analyze with ODS, but about 1/4 analysis time is required for L- column 2 C8 .
■ Separation pattern different from
ODS column Different separation patterns may be obtained from C8 column and ODS column, so even if separation is impossible with ODS column, separation improvement may be possible with C8 column. Fig.2 is a chromatogram comparing antidepressants under the same analysis conditions. The degree of separation between desipramine and paroxetine has greatly improved.
Features of L-column 2 C8
(1) Low adsorptivity
L-column 2 C8 has extremely few metallic impurities in the base silica gel and has a high surface coverage by end-capping, so there is no secondary interaction with metallic impurities or silanol groups and a sharp peak is obtained Yes.
Fig.3 is a chromatogram of antihistamine comparing L- column 2 C8 with a commercial column. Promethazine and clemastine are basic and easily adsorbable substances, but in L-column 2 C8 , sharp peaks are obtained.
■ Durability It is
possible to use in the range of pH 2 to 7.5. Even when used in a mobile phase containing 1% TFA, it can be used with long-term stable performance (Fig. 4).